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I Don't Know How To Tell Him...

He sits there and smiles at me, it creates a warm sensation through the whole body and all I want to do is cuddle him tight and hold him close to my heart. He makes me completely forget about my worries and issues in life; it makes me happy, like my old happy self. I look into his eyes and  it’s like nothing else matters; like he understands everything about me. It's like he can see into my heart. That one look makes my heart beat a thousand times a minute and I can’t control my emotions. All I want is to kiss his lips just because he looks at me. He is everything I’ve always needed in life - I thought - everything I’ve been looking for. But sadly I always seem to keep all my feelings in but I wish I didn’t because I want to tell him everything. He makes me flutter like a butterfly and feel like there’s something worth holding on to. He makes me feel weak and nervous like I don’t know what to say. I wish I didn’t close up on certain things because then I wouldn’t find it hard to express my feelings. He may not know it but he keeps me going, from the day I met HIM I knew there was something between us; he is so easy to talk to, like he came into my life for this reason.

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