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Social Networking...

Boredom had set in stone so I decided to catch up with my account on the social networking site Meet Me. As standard everything about it made me giggle as I never took it seriously. In the spare of the moment I thought I’d entertain my day. When I logged in, I was shocked to see so many admirers as they never even meant anything to me. I frequently got the most uninteresting people admire me anyway therefore I just loved seeing who popped up. I clicked through guessing each of my admirers, laughing at how pointless some photos were. I mean who would guess a profile picture of a car has admired you? Well… I always appeared to get the same individuals appear visible in front of my eyes and I’d just sigh and roll my eyes as it suddenly got boring. Nonetheless I clicked forward, several new individuals appeared. This time with one mesmerising lad who just by seeing his photograph, treasured his music. Obviously his profile picture stood out for me the most as that was all I could captivate. The lad looked about my age and sat in action on his drum kit. He had standard length hair for the modern era which looked dark in colour and had a young cute appearance. I gazed at him for a moment in fact. ‘He’s so out of my league, but he’s so. Beautiful.’ I shook my head at the thought of this lad actually speaking to me never mind finding me attractive like I just thought about him. I gathered he wouldn’t even be interested in me in the slightest. ‘What the hell…’ I thought to myself clicking on the image, waiting for a red cross to appear to state he in fact did not admire me. This time I was feeling a bit anxious as to what the outcome would be. However instead of the message saying I’d predicted wrong, it had popped up as correct. Not only had that but his information stated he was from Leeds! ‘This appears to be my kind of person to chat to,’ I grinned proudly knowing I’d found someone cute and close to home that I could have a conversation with. Although he probably wouldn’t even speak to me but it was worth a gamble. ‘I mean he’s clicked on me in the first place…Right?!’

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